bee on planet with text give back Friday

Give Back Friday

In light of the recent COP26, we felt it was only right to stand by our core values this Black Friday.

We put the pollinators and the planet at the heart of everything we do so instead of Black Friday deals, we’re celebrating Give Back Friday instead. We understand Black Friday is such an exciting and popular time for consumers however we truly believe, as a collective, our focus should be on investing time, energy and money back into our planet and pollinators.

Rather than offering a 20% discount on our product range, we are giving it back to those who need it most, our pollinators. We will be donating 20% of our entire sales over the weekend to our sister charity RePollinate. But don’t worry, we still wanted to extend our thank you for your continued support of our business, our bees and our bee farmers by giving away a FREE SEED BOMB (USE CODE FREESEEDBOMB to redeem) with every order over the weekend. This gives you the opportunity to rewild your local areas too! 

seed bomb with instructions

RePollinate is our sister charity with the purpose to protect and improve the UK’s threatened pollinator population through…

  • Creation of wildflower spaces in local areas
  • Funded community projects
  • Engagement and education 

Your donations will go directly to our upcoming project Beds for Bees! 

Beds for Bees is an initiative that offers funding and support to communities to make local spaces as pollinator friendly as possibly. Working closely with local community groups, RePollinate will provide a range of planting designs that can be incorporated into converted grassland near parks or schools, for example. 

The beds will be highly attractive to bees and local residents alike, and provide an opportunity for education and engagement of the importance of pollinators and how to maintain the land accordingly. 

Iain attended the parliamentary reception at the Scottish Parliament today on behalf of RePollinate. Stay tuned over on our newsletter to hear his thoughts! 

iain at Scottish parliament with repollinate charity

Why invest in pollinators? 

It is now well known that pollinator numbers are declining due to several factors. 

Most significantly, the disappearance of many of our native wildflowers in the countryside as a result of intensive agriculture. Research has shown that bees and other pollinators are starting to gravitate to our towns and cities attracted by the flowers in gardens and green spaces. 

Whilst it is preferable to make sure there are enough native wildflowers around to feed pollinators, in some urban spaces this isn’t always welcomed by local communities, as wildflower areas can be perceived as too untidy. 

Beds for Bees offers communities a tidier alternative to a wildflower meadow, but with all the pollen and nectar benefits for a wide range of pollinators. 

beds for bees example garden

What does it mean to shop sustainably with the Scottish Bee Company?

  • Reinvestment into wildflowering spaces for our pollinators
  • Supporting the survival of pollinators
  • Supporting local bee farmers
  • Supporting local land without ANY need for importing

Check out our range of 100% Scottish, ethically sourced products by clicking here, and we'll donate 20% to our pollinators! 

If you’re interested in support and funding for rewilding your local area, or a corporate sponsorship of an upcoming project, we would love to hear from you! Contact us on

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