Beeswax candle

Where can I buy Beeswax Candles?

Where can I buy beeswax candles? Known for their air purifying properties, it's no wonder these candles are all the rage. But where can you get them, and do you have to buy them?

First of all, what are beeswax candles?

Beeswax candles are candles made from byproducts of honeybees. They do not require any processing using chemicals like other candles, have high melting points and burn differently to other candles - slower and brighter.

Why are they better than normal candles?

Eco friendly  and sustainable, these candles release negative ions into the air which neutralise bad smells and dirt by attracting pollutants, the same way a magnet attracts metal. We recommend lighting one for 30mins or so before bed to create a calm, neutral space to fall asleep in.

Aside from the health benefits, by buying beeswax you are also helping slow down the decline of the honey bee. As you may know around the world, bee numbers are decreasing at alarming rates, so it's important to support our local beekeepers as much as possible. Click here to see how we support our beekeepers through the Scottish Bee Company and our sister charity RePollinate

Where can I buy them?

At the Scottish Bee Company we produce a range of 100% pure beeswax candles, both scented and unscented. we have white and yellow pillar candles, as well as our various scents which come in our signature honey jars. There are three different scents, a delicious raspberry and vanilla, a sweet Lavender, apple and tea tree, and our most recent addition, the festive favourite nutmeg, cinnamon and orange. We sell these in pairs (where you can mix and match with another candle or honey) and individually. every candle comes with a packet of wildflower seeds to scatter, helping the bees once again! Check our candles out here, and our gift sets here.

Can I make them myself?

You can, although the process for beginners can be quite difficult and sometimes quite messy. Katie, our beekeeping apprentice gave it a go - check it out here.

PLEASE REMEMBER: never leave any candles unattended. Last year alone, over 200 house fires were started by candles. Light them responsibly and create the perfect zen at home.




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