• Here at The Scottish Bee Company we are dedicated to supplying only the highest quality honey.

    With the ever increasing consumer interest in where food comes from, we, as honey producers, need to be setting high standards and showing traceability. This page shows all of our honey and food product testing. So when you buy a jar of our honey, you can relax in the knowledge that you are buying a product that is real, authentic and Scottish.


    We are absolutely passionate about ensuring that we produce the highest quality honey and that our customers understand our production process. Our supply chain is straightforward.

    Our beefarmers extract the honey during every season and send it to Scarlett’s Processing Facility in Meigle. Scarlett’s are BRC and Organic Certified and their facility is top quality. From there it is sent to our warehouse. We perform sample tests on all the batches of honey we receive and we update this page with all of our results.

  • Please contact us if you have any questions about how and where our honey is produced.

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